Producs & Services
Past Life Regressions - you do the work with me guiding you. Takes 2-3 hours. $150 at my home or an additional $50 if I come to you.
They can be a fun way to simply discover who you have been in another life.
Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, they can also help you understand specific things that are happening in your life today. You begin by posing a question
to the "past". This may be as specific as "How have I known person X before?", "What can my past lives tell me to help me deal with Y today", or even more generically,
"What can my past lives show me to help me be the best me I can be?".
A regression is technically a form of guided meditation. It is NOT a form of hypnosis. You will determine a question that you want an answer to.
This can be as simple or as complex as you need. We then will work our way back through this life, to the time between and then to one or more lives
that can help to answer the question. My guides help to point me and therefore you in the right directions for this to happen successfully. When the connection
is strong enough, I will frequent "see" the same things that you do.
Our Guide and Reader
Rainbow Productions, Inc., is VERY proud to have Bruce Reeves as our
primary conduit to the past, present and future.
Bruce has been performing past life regressions for over 30 years.
Isn't time YOU discovered what you've been "missing"? Call today!
Currently, Bruce is primarily located in Houston, Texas, between downtown and the University of Houston, but is occasionally in other cities and states.
Most of his work is on an in-house basis
i.e. you come to him. Regressions because of the block of time they require generally work better in a home setting. Bruce will travel to you for an additional $50.
For more information, e-mail us or call Bruce at 832-724-4183.
Bruce the Person
If you would like to know a little more about Bruce, feel free to ask.